Spirulina is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals that support immune health and overall vitality.
At the center of our metabolism is the liver. It produces important proteins, processes nutrients, produces bile, and ensures the elimination of metabolic by-products. Support liver function, for example, with choline, which also contributes to lipid metabolism.
120 Capsules
Immediately available
Highly dosed Standardised artichoke extract containing at least 2.5% cynarin High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.068 kg
(€190.44* / 1 kg)
120 Capsules
Immediately available
Standardised artichoke extract containing at least 2.5% cynarin 10-fold concentrated stinging nettle extract High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.098 kg
(€152.55* / 1 kg)
60 Tablets
Immediately available
Components of lecithin
Choline promotes liver function and fat metabolism
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
100% vegan
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.06 kg
(€165.83* / 1 kg)
120 Capsules
Immediately available
10-fold concentrated dandelion root extract
Equivalent to 5g dandelion root per capsule
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
100% vegan
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.095 kg
(€146.84* / 1 kg)
60 Capsules
Immediately available
Reduced, active form
From the components glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
100% vegan
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.034 kg
(€351.47* / 1 kg)
120 Tablets
Immediately available
Reduced, active form
Interesting tripeptide
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
100% vegan
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.12 kg
(€224.58* / 1 kg)
60 Tablets
Immediately available
Reduced, active form
Highly dosed
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
100% vegan
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.075 kg
(€266.00* / 1 kg)
180 Capsules
Immediately available
Essential, sulphurous amino acid
Involved in the building of proteins in the body
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
100% vegan
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.14 kg
(€149.64* / 1 kg)
180 Capsules
In production
High-dose amino acid Tip for vegans and vegetarians High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.148 kg
(€161.82* / 1 kg)
120 Tabletten
Immediately available
Essential trace element Supports the metabolism of sulphurous amino acids High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.036 kg
(€276.39* / 1 kg)
120 Capsules
Immediately available
High-quality Schisandra extract Standardised to 9% schisandrin High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.093 kg
(€171.51* / 1 kg)
90 Tabletten
Immediately available
Unsere Leber ist ein wahres Wunderwerk des Körpers. Tag für Tag verrichtet sie Schwerstarbeit, von der Produktion lebenswichtiger Substanzen wie Fettsäuren und Bluteiweißen bis zur Speicherung von Energie in Form von Glykogen und wichtigen Vitaminen wie A, D, E, K und B12. Doch damit nicht genug – die Leber ist auch maßgeblich an der Produktion von Gallenflüssigkeit beteiligt, die für die Fettverdauung im Darm unverzichtbar ist. Das beeindruckendste Merkmal unserer Leber ist jedoch ihre Rolle als Entgiftungsorgan. Sie filtert und baut verschiedene Substanzen ab, darunter Medikamente, Steroidhormone wie Cortisol, Ammoniak und alte rote Blutkörperchen – ein echter Saubermann im Körper!Noch faszinierender ist ihre einzigartige Fähigkeit zur Selbstregeneration ohne Narbenbildung nach Verletzungen oder Schäden. Diese außergewöhnliche Eigenschaft macht die Leber zu einem Superhelden unter den Organen.Unsere Vitalstoff-Kombination wurde entwickelt, um dieser bemerkenswerten Leber die Unterstützung zu bieten, die sie verdient. Indem sie ihre vielfältigen Funktionen fördert, trägt sie zu unserem allgemeinen Wohlbefinden bei und hilft der Leber, in Bestform zu bleiben.
Hinweis: Als Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln dürfen wir aufgrund rechtlicher Vorgaben keine Hinweise zu der Wirkung von Vitalstoffen geben. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf z.B. Fachseiten im Internet oder in naturkundlicher Fachliteratur vor der Online-Bestellung unserer Produkte.