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Minerals are essential nutrients categorized into macro minerals and trace elements, depending on the amounts present and required in the body. Most minerals are found in the bones, but the function of muscles and the nervous system also relies on an adequate supply of calcium and magnesium. Potassium is particularly important for maintaining normal blood pressure, while zinc supports the immune system and fertility in both women and men.
Minerals are essential nutrients categorized into macrominerals and trace elements, depending on the amounts present and required in the body. Most minerals are found in the bones, but the function of muscles and the nervous system also relies on an adequate supply of calcium and magnesium. Potassium is particularly important for maintaining normal blood pressure, while zinc supports the immune system and fertility in both women and men.
180 Capsules
Immediately available
Vitamin B complex with vitamin C, zinc and selenium Contains additional resveratrol and ginseng High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.142 kg (€147.54* / 1 kg)

90 Tablets
Few still available
In this dietary supplement from Fair & Pure, each tablet contains 500 µg of vitamin B12 with 100 µg of folic acid combined. The lozenges have an Acerola cherry flavor and can be dissolved under the tongue. The micronutrients are absorbed through the oral mucosa. Vitamin B12 and folic acid support the energy metabolism, the nervous system, and the immune system. They also contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B-12 + Folic Acid Tablets from Fair & Pure are: Delicious as lozenges with Acerola cherry flavor Well bioavailable through sublingual absorption through the oral mucosa For a normal homocysteine metabolism For energy, nervous system, and psyche High-quality dietary supplements - guaranteed without magnesium stearate Produced according to quality and hygiene standards HACCP   Note: As manufacturers of dietary supplements, we are not allowed to provide information on the effects of vital nutrients due to legal requirements. Please consult specialized websites on the internet or natural science literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.054 kg (€184.26* / 1 kg)

60 Capsules
Immediately available
2500μg Vitamin B-12 per capsule For 60 days High bioavailability Without magnesium stearate Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards Made in Germany 100% vegan   Note: As a manufacturer of dietary supplements, we are legally required not to provide any information regarding the effects of vital nutrients. Please inform yourself on specialized websites or in naturopathic literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.019 kg (€471.05* / 1 kg)

180 Tablets
Immediately available
Beauty vitamin For beautiful skin and strong hair High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.054 kg (€202.78* / 1 kg)

120 capsules
In production
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in many processes in our body. Thus, it is needed for energy metabolism and macronutrient metabolism. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide energy to the organism.  However, biotin is better known as a beauty vitamin for its supporting role in maintaining skin and hair. The former name "vitamin H" refers to its action on the skin, which was discovered in 1898. For hair, our body requires biotin to form keratin, which is the main component of hair. Biotin contributes to: normal energy metabolism normal function of the nervous system normal metabolism of macronutrients normal mental function maintenance of normal hair maintenance of normal skin maintenance of normal mucous membranes Biotin 5 mg from Fair & Pure is: highly dosed 100% vegan in capsules for 120 days only one capsule daily highly absorbable high quality food supplement without magnesium stearate produced according to quality and hygiene standards HACCP gluten, lactose, and fructose free produced in Germany (origin of raw materials EU and non-EU   Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements.  Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.038 kg (€314.47* / 1 kg)

500 Tablets
Immediately available
This bulk pack contains 500 tablets which are gentle on the stomach. Unlike ascorbic acid, vitamin C is bound to calcium to buffer the acid. This is beneficial for people with a sensitive stomach.The vitamin C in these tablets has been combined with 10 times concentrated rosehip extract. As a result, the vitamin C, which actually has little storage capacity, lingers longer in the body. Vitamin C effect Vitamin C is one of the classics among micronutrients. It contributes to:normal immune system function during and after intense physical activitynormal collagen formation for normal blood vessel, bone, cartilage and skin functionnormal energy metabolismnormal nervous system functionnormal mental functionnormal immune system function.As an antioxidant, it can also protect cells from oxidative stress. Buffered Vitamin C 1000mg + Rosehip by Fair & Pure: highly dosed100 % veganbuffered and stomach-friendly10 times concentrated rosehip extractin tablet formbulk pack for 500 daysonly one tablet a daywell absorbable for the organismhigh quality food supplementproduced according to the quality and hygiene standards HACCPgluten, lactose and fructose freeproduced in Germany (origin of raw materials EU and non-EU) Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.797 kg (€57.65* / 1 kg)

90 Capsules
Immediately available
Essential minerals with vitamin D3 For strong bones and teeth High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearateProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.11 kg (€90.45* / 1 kg)

120 Capsules
Immediately available
High-dose, natural vitamin C For the immune system and cell protection High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.079 kg (€214.56* / 1 kg)

120 Capsules
Immediately available
Valuable vital substance combination Supports the heart function High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearateProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.113 kg (€158.85* / 1 kg)

60 Tablets
Immediately available
Components of lecithin Choline promotes liver function and fat metabolism High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate 100% vegan Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.06 kg (€165.83* / 1 kg)

120 Tablets
In production
Stomach-friendly vitamin C with bioflavonoids For immune system, cell protection and nervous system High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.192 kg (€119.53* / 1 kg)

180 Tablets
Immediately available
Pregnancy vitamin Highly dosed with 800ᄉg per tablet High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.063 kg (€157.94* / 1 kg)

180 Capsules
Immediately available
High-quality ginger root powder Contains vitamin E for cell protection High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.097 kg (€195.36* / 1 kg)

120 Capsules
Immediately available
Essential trace element With biotin, B12 and vitamin C High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate 100% vegan Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.049 kg (€243.88* / 1 kg)

120 Capsules
Immediately available
10-fold concentrated nasturtium extract Contains natural high-quality mustard oils High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate 100% vegan Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.094 kg (€148.40* / 1 kg)

240 Capsules
Few still available
Acerola and rosehips as natural vitamin C source For the immune system and cell protection High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.18 kg (€144.17* / 1 kg)

60 Tablets
Few still available
High-quality grape seed extract with acerola Standardised to 95% OPC and with natural vitamin C High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.053 kg (€206.60* / 1 kg)

120 Tablets
Immediately available
Component of folic acid Highly dosed with 500mg per tablet High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.105 kg (€123.33* / 1 kg)

90 Capsules
Immediately available
Quercetin with stomach-friendly vitamin C For the immune system and cell protection High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate 100% vegan Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.083 kg (€180.12* / 1 kg)

120 Capsules
Immediately available
Active form of vitamin B2 For vision, nervous system and cell protection High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.042 kg (€308.33* / 1 kg)

90 Tabletten
Immediately available
Unsere Leber ist ein wahres Wunderwerk des Körpers. Tag für Tag verrichtet sie Schwerstarbeit, von der Produktion lebenswichtiger Substanzen wie Fettsäuren und Bluteiweißen bis zur Speicherung von Energie in Form von Glykogen und wichtigen Vitaminen wie A, D, E, K und B12. Doch damit nicht genug – die Leber ist auch maßgeblich an der Produktion von Gallenflüssigkeit beteiligt, die für die Fettverdauung im Darm unverzichtbar ist. Das beeindruckendste Merkmal unserer Leber ist jedoch ihre Rolle als Entgiftungsorgan. Sie filtert und baut verschiedene Substanzen ab, darunter Medikamente, Steroidhormone wie Cortisol, Ammoniak und alte rote Blutkörperchen – ein echter Saubermann im Körper!Noch faszinierender ist ihre einzigartige Fähigkeit zur Selbstregeneration ohne Narbenbildung nach Verletzungen oder Schäden. Diese außergewöhnliche Eigenschaft macht die Leber zu einem Superhelden unter den Organen.Unsere Vitalstoff-Kombination wurde entwickelt, um dieser bemerkenswerten Leber die Unterstützung zu bieten, die sie verdient. Indem sie ihre vielfältigen Funktionen fördert, trägt sie zu unserem allgemeinen Wohlbefinden bei und hilft der Leber, in Bestform zu bleiben. Hinweis: Als Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln dürfen wir aufgrund rechtlicher Vorgaben keine Hinweise zu der Wirkung von Vitalstoffen geben. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf z.B. Fachseiten im Internet oder in naturkundlicher Fachliteratur vor der Online-Bestellung unserer Produkte.

Content: 0.089 kg (€145.51* / 1 kg)


Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

120 capsules
Immediately available
From the innovative line PERFORM NOW by This carefully formulated dietary supplement combines high-quality ingredients such as Black Garlic Bulb Extract, Calcium Ascorbate, L-Glutamine, Olive Leaf Extract, L-Leucine, Quercetin, Turmeric Extract, Zinc Bisglycinate, Cholecalciferol, and Retinyl Acetate to optimally support your immune system. time 4 protection is perfect for people who want to enhance their daily nutrition plan with a component that not only strengthens the immune system but also helps to promote overall health. The product is ideal for those who consciously manage their health and rely on natural support for their immune defenses. It is especially suitable if you are often on the go, need extra protection during stressful times, or simply want to effectively support your immune system. optimal immune system support improved overall health contains Black Garlic Bulb Extract and Turmeric Extract pure and plant-based Note: As a manufacturer of dietary supplements, we are legally prohibited from making claims about the effects of vital nutrients. Please consult specialist websites on the internet or naturopathic literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.111 kg (€143.69* / 1 kg)

180 Tablets
Immediately available
Unfortunately not approved for delivery country NL!High-dose vitamin A For immune system, skin and mucous membranes High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.072 kg (€138.19* / 1 kg)

120 Tablets
Immediately available
Vitamin B3 without niacin flush B3 as inositol hexanicotinate High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.

Content: 0.078 kg (€166.03* / 1 kg)
