Dietary supplements and vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining optimal health and well-being. While a balanced diet is important for obtaining necessary nutrients, it can sometimes be challenging to meet all nutritional requirements through food alone. This is where dietary supplements and vitamins come into play, providing a convenient and effective way to fill in nutritional gaps.
Dietary supplements and vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining optimal health and well-being. While a balanced diet is important for obtaining necessary nutrients, it can sometimes be challenging to meet all nutritional requirements through food alone. This is where dietary supplements and vitamins come into play, providing a convenient and effective way to fill in nutritional gaps.
180 Capsules
Immediately available
High-dose apple cider vinegar Pleasant intake due to capsule form High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.127 kg
(€157.09* / 1 kg)
90 Capsules
Immediately available
High-dose propolis
Standardised to 3% galangin
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.062 kg
(€225.00* / 1 kg)
180 Tablets
Immediately available
High-dose fibre
Supports a normal cholesterol level
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.189 kg
(€105.56* / 1 kg)
120 capsules
Few still available
Colostrum is a natural substance contained in the first milk after the birth of a mammal. Our colostrum is obtained from the first milk of cows that come from conventional farming. The milk is processed so all the valuable nutrients are preserved and is standardized to 30% immunoglobulin G.
The daily consumption of 3 capsules corresponds to 360 mg immunoglobulin G. Standardization is an essential quality feature of a food supplement.
Immunoglobulins act as a critical part of the immune response.
Colostrum by Fair & Pure is:
Highly dosed
Standardized to 30% immunoglobulin G
In capsule form
For 40 days
Highly Absorbable
High quality food supplement - guaranteed without magnesium stearate
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Gluten, lactose and fructose free
Made in Germany (origin of raw materials EU and non-EU)
Colostrum capsules are a good supplement for your daily nutritional needs.
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.061 kg
(€343.44* / 1 kg)
400 g Powder
Immediately available
Creatine powder without additives To improve muscle strength High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.4 kg
(€37.38* / 1 kg)
120 Tablets
Immediately available
Made from fermentation of yeast 100mg hyaluronic acid per tablet High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.048 kg
(€207.29* / 1 kg)
60 Capsules
Immediately available
High-dose hyaluronic acid 100% vegan High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.023 kg
(€432.61* / 1 kg)
90 Tablets
Few still available
High-dose hyaluronic acid Binds up to 6 litres of water per gram High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.081 kg
(€184.57* / 1 kg)
120 Tablets
Immediately available
High-dose hyaluronic acid Contains vitamin C for beautiful skin High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.09 kg
(€232.78* / 1 kg)
120 Capsules
Immediately available
100% vegan due to fermentation from yeast Main component of the joint fluid High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate100% veganProduced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsNote: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.043 kg
(€301.16* / 1 kg)
120 Capsules
Immediately available
Valuable vital substance combination
Contains the carotenoid astaxanthin
High quality food supplements - Garanteeed without magnesium stearate
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialised literature before ordering our products online.
0.119 kg
(€176.05* / 1 kg)
90 tablets
Immediately available
Melatonin is a messenger substance that is produced in the brain. It plays an important role in regulating the sleep-wake rhythm. Taking melatonin as a dietary supplement can help shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and alleviate the subjective symptoms of jet lag. The positive effect on jet lag occurs when at least 0.5 mg is taken on the first day of travel shortly before going to bed and on the first days after arrival at the destination. To shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, a positive effect is achieved if 1 mg of melatonin is taken shortly before going to bed.Melatonin tablets free of additivesThe fair & pure food supplement melatonin does not contain any additives. The only exception is vegetable cellulose to give the tablets their shape. The Melatonin tablets are free from gluten, lactose, fructose, soya, gelatine, yeast, pesticides, fungicides, stabilisers, magnesium stearate, colourings, preservatives and allergens. They are also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Melatonin from Fair & Pure is:
Safely dosed
0.5 mg melatonin per tablet
In convenient tablet form
For 45 days
Well absorbable for the organismA high-quality food supplement - guaranteed without magnesium stearate
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standardsGluten-, lactose- and fructose-freeProduced in Germany (origin of raw materials EU and non-EU)
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information about the effect of vital substances due to legal regulations. Please inform yourself on e.g. specialist websites on the internet or in natural science literature before ordering our products online.
0.018 kg
(€552.78* / 1 kg)
120 capsules
Immediately available
Saccharomyces boulardii is a yeast that is capable of colonizing the gastrointestinal tract when consumed. However, it is not a permanent component of the intestinal flora, and is only detectable as long as it is ingested with food.
This food supplement contains at least 6.4 billion microbial cultures per capsule.
The bacterial cultures come in DRcaps (delayed-release dosage) and are protected from the gastric acids. This is achieved by the gellan coating of the capsules. Gellan gum is a plant-based polysaccharide used in the food industry.
Saccharomyces boulardii capsules by Fair & Pure:
Delayed-release dosage due to the gellan gum
High quality food supplements without magnesium stearate
Produced according to HACCP quality and hygiene standards
Note: As a manufacturer of food supplements, we are not allowed to give any information on the effect of vital substances due to legal requirements. Please inform yourself on e.g. technical pages on the internet or in specialized literature before ordering our products online.
0.065 kg
(€322.31* / 1 kg)
90 Tabletten
Immediately available
Unsere Leber ist ein wahres Wunderwerk des Körpers. Tag für Tag verrichtet sie Schwerstarbeit, von der Produktion lebenswichtiger Substanzen wie Fettsäuren und Bluteiweißen bis zur Speicherung von Energie in Form von Glykogen und wichtigen Vitaminen wie A, D, E, K und B12. Doch damit nicht genug – die Leber ist auch maßgeblich an der Produktion von Gallenflüssigkeit beteiligt, die für die Fettverdauung im Darm unverzichtbar ist. Das beeindruckendste Merkmal unserer Leber ist jedoch ihre Rolle als Entgiftungsorgan. Sie filtert und baut verschiedene Substanzen ab, darunter Medikamente, Steroidhormone wie Cortisol, Ammoniak und alte rote Blutkörperchen – ein echter Saubermann im Körper!Noch faszinierender ist ihre einzigartige Fähigkeit zur Selbstregeneration ohne Narbenbildung nach Verletzungen oder Schäden. Diese außergewöhnliche Eigenschaft macht die Leber zu einem Superhelden unter den Organen.Unsere Vitalstoff-Kombination wurde entwickelt, um dieser bemerkenswerten Leber die Unterstützung zu bieten, die sie verdient. Indem sie ihre vielfältigen Funktionen fördert, trägt sie zu unserem allgemeinen Wohlbefinden bei und hilft der Leber, in Bestform zu bleiben.
Hinweis: Als Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln dürfen wir aufgrund rechtlicher Vorgaben keine Hinweise zu der Wirkung von Vitalstoffen geben. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf z.B. Fachseiten im Internet oder in naturkundlicher Fachliteratur vor der Online-Bestellung unserer Produkte.
0.089 kg
(€145.51* / 1 kg)
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